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Is blogging dead in 2024?

min read
Jul 10, 2024
Is blogging dead in 2024?

Alright, let’s settle this once and for all: is blogging still a thing in 2024? With the whirlwind of digital marketing evolutions, AI stepping up its game, and everyone’s attention span dropping faster than my Wi-Fi speed on a bad day… the blogging world is definitely at a crossroads. 

But is it the end of the road… or just a new turn?

After all, a recent Demand Gen Report shows that 44% of buyers say they typically consume three to five pieces of content before buying from a company, which makes a fairly strong case for actually having pieces of content for them to engage with! And DemandMetric reports that companies with blogs produce an average of 67% more leads monthly than companies that don't blog. Leads can turn into customers.

And besides all that, the truth is that while trends (and even platforms) may come and go, the basic human desire to consume engaging, informative content hasn’t completely disappeared in 2024 -- it’s just evolved. That's where blogging, with a few modern tweaks, still shines. It’s like the jeans in your wardrobe: sure, the styles might change, but they never really go out of fashion. 

So, let’s take a look at how the “old-school tactic” of blogging is keeping up with the times.


The current state of blogging

Let's start off with a reality check on the blogging landscape in 2024. With a staggering 600 million blogs currently active (and churning out over 6 million posts every single day), it’s clear that blogs aren't just hanging on; they're still thriving and providing value, especially for bloggers who adapt to shifting trends, tastes, and algorithms.

Because while social media has risen in popularity in recent years, blogs are still pulling in serious crowds, and the main reason is because they’ve evolved past being just text on a page. These days, interactive infographics, embedded podcasts, and video content have become integral parts of blogging, delivering multimedia experiences that keep readers informed and entertained.

And it's not just about looking pretty; it’s about depth and value.

Niche blogs are now thriving the most in the blogosphere, pulling in crowds by drilling deep into special subjects and turning bloggers into the influential guides and information curators in their topic areas. Going niche not only boosts search engine optimization (SEO) but also helps establish blogs as go-to resources in their niches. 

Related: How to start a blog and make money in 2024

How is AI impacting blogging?

It’s impossible to discuss the current state and future of blogging without highlighting the role of artificial intelligence (AI). From generating content to optimizing SEO, AI tools are making blogging smarter and more efficient; let’s take a look at how.

AI-driven content creation

Remember when AI was just cool tech in sci-fi films? Well, now AI is right at your fingertips, a tool you can tap into to help you generate new ideas, write blog posts, jazz up your content, interpret analytics, and so much more, faster than ever before. Additionally, AI can provide significant help in fine-tuning your blogging strategy; by analyzing data on what works and what doesn’t, AI tools can suggest changes to your approach, from topic selection to keyword integration. So AI can definitely be the ace up your sleeve, helping you optimize your content to ensure maximum engagement and reach. (But remember, it’s just a tool; it doesn’t have the personal touch that truly connects with readers. That’s where you come in, blending AI efficiency with your unique voice and insights.)

AI and SEO

In case you didn’t get the memo, SEO isn't just about stuffing keywords anymore. This new SEO is all about understanding user intent and delivering exactly what they’re searching for, and AI tools can help make your content more personalized, more relevant, and way easier to find. As search engines get smarter, they prefer content that truly answers questions, and using AI in blogging can help your posts do just that, analyzing top-performing content and integrating SEO best practices to boost your visibility.

Related: Grow your audience and sell your online course with a blog


How should creators adjust to blogging changes?

While it’s definitely tougher to do these days, it is still possible to create successful blogs that turn casual browsers into dedicated readers. Here are a few things to consider.

1. Adapt your content to match shorter attention spans

The modern consumer's attention span is fleeting, with many digital platforms preferring content that can be consumed quickly. If your blog can’t grab attention in the first few seconds by using compelling headlines, engaging visuals, and intros that promise value, it could easily get lost to the rabbit hole of forgotten tabs. So focus on hooking your readers fast, delivering value quickly, and wrapping it up before they're tempted to click over to another tab. Blogs that master this not only see more readers, they also see more engaged and returning visitors.

2. Create a mobile-first reading experience

The widespread adoption of smartphones and tablets has completely changed how and where we consume content. Most users now access content on the go, which emphasizes the need for clarity and conciseness in writing. As a result, shorter, more digestible blog posts have become popular, perfect for a quick read during a commute or while waiting in line at a coffee shop. However, it's not just about making content shorter; it's about making it smarter. Effective use of bullet points, numbered lists, and bolded text can help highlight key information, allowing readers to scan quickly and grasp the main points without needing to read every word.

3. Keep context in mind when writing long-form content

Having said that, though, it's not the end of the road for long-form content. There’s still a strong appetite for thorough, well-researched articles among readers looking for comprehensive explorations of topics they care about. These readers want posts that don’t just skim the surface but dive deep into topics, from tech trends to philosophical debates. For them, blogs that blend detailed research with engaging storytelling become ones that they return to again and again. 

4. Incorporate multimedia

Many bloggers find that the key to keeping a long blog post engaging is to mix in some dynamic elements to break up the text and add value. And like we noted earlier, multimedia isn’t just flashy; it’s also functional. For instance, incorporating videos into your blog posts can simplify complex topics, podcasts can add a personal touch, and infographics can summarize key points in a succinct and interesting way. By mixing in media, your blog can become a versatile tool that educates, entertains, and engages… and makes the reader come back for more. 

So while the challenge of adapting to shorter attention spans and diverse consumption habits is real, it's also a chance for bloggers to adapt and innovate. By creating engaging blog content that not only wins attention but also keeps it, blogs can definitely continue to thrive. 

Related: How to monetize your blog

What are the benefits of blogging in 2024?

So you may be wondering why you should consider continuing to blog even though the internet is already flooded with every kind of content imaginable? Well, despite how crowded it may seem, there are some unique blogging benefits that other media just can’t touch.

SEO benefits

Simply put, blogs are SEO catnip. Regular updates? Google loves it. Long-form content? Bing eats it up. If you’re looking to improve your odds on the search engine results page (SERP), blogging is one of your best bets. It’s a reliable way to boost your site’s visibility and authority, making your whole domain more attractive and accessible to search engines. And in the digital age, being seen is just as important as being good.

Taking that a step further, each blog post is an opportunity to target new keywords and topics, drawing in diverse traffic streams. It creates more touchpoints in the crowded world of search traffic, increasing your chances of catching readers with a variety of interests and things they’re looking for. 

Establishing authority and trust

Blogs provide a unique platform to establish thought-leadership. Whether you’re doling out business advice or DIY tips, your blog is your space to highlight your expertise, share your unique take on topics that matter to you and your audience, and build up credibility for your brand with every post you publish. 

And the perks of being seen as an authority translate into tangible wins like better engagement, stronger customer loyalty, and maybe even higher sales. People tend to spend their money where they feel confident, and a well-maintained blog builds trust by delivering solid value consistently, without seeming pushy or salesy. 

And let’s not forget about the deeper connections that can form through blogging. Unlike quick tweets or pithy Instagram captions, blogs allow for more depth and personality. They’re a chance to not just share what you know but also why it matters. This deeper engagement is a big plus for anyone looking to make a lasting impact with their content.

In short, the usefulness and relevance of blogging in 2024 is as strong as it ever was.

What are the challenges of blogging in 2024?

Blogging today, while still a powerful tool for expression and marketing, comes with its unique set of challenges, especially as the online world becomes more crowded and complex. Here are some of the main blogging challenges you might face:

  1. Content saturation: There’s no denying the sheer volume of content already out there. Everyone and their grandma blogs, and with millions of blog posts published daily, standing out is becoming increasingly difficult, requiring you to dial up the quality, be super clear on your value proposition, and find your unique voice.
  2. Maintaining consistency: Consistency is key in blogging, both in quality and frequency. It’s challenging to keep producing content that is both engaging and valuable, especially for bloggers who have other responsibilities or limited resources.
  3. SEO adaptability: Search engine algorithms are continually evolving, and can feel like you’re trying to win a game that keeps changing its rules. What worked yesterday might not work tomorrow, so stay updated with the latest SEO practices, adapt content accordingly, and keep an ear to the ground for shifts in consumer preferences. 
  4. Engagement decline: The competition for attention means that readers may spend less time interacting with content directly on the blog and more time on platforms like social media.
  5. Monetization pressure: For many, blogging isn’t just a passion but also a source of income. But the balancing act is to monetize your blog without overwhelming readers with ads or sponsored content. Not only that, traditional monetization strategies like display advertising have changed in effectiveness over the years.
  6. Audience building: Building a loyal readership takes time and effort, and in a world where everyone’s vying for attention, it requires more than just good content to attract and retain a dedicated audience.
  7. Technical challenges: Managing the technical aspects of a blog, such as hosting, platform updates, and cybersecurity, can be a little intimidating, especially for those without technical expertise.
  8. Content diversification: Readers now expect a variety of content forms (videos, podcasts, infographics, GIFs) in addition to traditional text-based posts. Creating this content often requires additional skills and resources.
  9. Creator burnout: Given all these challenges, plus the pressure to be constantly creative and engaging, blogger burnout is a real thing and keeping the blog passion alive can be a challenge.

Each of these challenges may require some out-of-the-box thinking to keep your blog relevant, profitable, and enjoyable for both you the writer and your readers.

How to grow a successful blog in 2024

Wondering what you can do to make your blog stand out from the crowd? Below are some tactics that successful bloggers regularly employ, so keep these strategies in mind.

Step 1: Find your niche and own it

You know what they say, “Jack of all trades, master of none.” Don’t be that Jack. Carve out your own spot in the blogosphere that you can dominate. Whether it’s vegan cooking, sustainable living, or underwater photography, make sure you’re the go-to website for it.

Step 2: Make friends with SEO

Imagine SEO as that cool friend who knows everyone and can get you into the hottest parties—which, in this case, are the top spots on Google search results. Use the right keywords, format your posts smartly, and become best friends with Google. It’s not just about being found; it’s about being found first.

Step 3: Content is king, but engagement is queen 

Great content is crucial, but it’s not just about what you say; it’s about how you spark conversations. Encourage comments, jump into discussions, ask questions, and maybe stir up a little friendly debate. Get people talking, and they’ll come back for more.

Step 4: Diversify like you’re investing

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your content across videos, podcasts, infographics, and maybe even some good old-fashioned quizzes. People love variety, and catering to different tastes can pull in a wider audience.

Step 5: Schedule like a boss

Consistency is key, but don’t confuse that with constant posting. You don’t need to publish every day—just stick to a schedule. Whether it’s twice a week or twice a month, let your readers know when to expect new goodies from you.

Step 6: Go mobile or go home

Everyone’s on their phones these days, so if your blog isn’t mobile-friendly, you might as well be writing on stone tablets. Ensure your website looks good and works well on mobile devices as well as desktops.

Step 7: Make the most of social media

Think of social media as your blog’s cheerleader. Use platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook to tease content, share snippets, and drive traffic back to your blog. 

Step 8: Listen and adapt

Keep an ear to the ground. What are your readers saying? What’s trending in your niche? Adapt your content to meet the current vibes and needs of your audience. 

Step 9: Offer exclusive goodies

Who doesn’t love free stuff? Offer your readers something they can’t get anywhere else, like exclusive content, free ebooks, or first access to events. It’s a great way to reward loyalty and keep them hooked.

Step 10: Keep it real

Let your authenticity and unique personality shine through in your writing. People flock to genuine voices and stay for the relatability. 

The main key to focus on are to adapt, engage, and be genuine. Your audience doesn’t just want content; they want a connection. Keeping these tips in mind will help make yours one of the next blogging success stories.

The future of blogging: predictions and trends

What does the future hold for blogging? Considering the blogging trends of 2024, it seems that blogging has a promising future ahead. Let's peek at what’s coming down the pipeline.

Upcoming trends

The future of blogging is likely to see increased integration of AI and machine learning for content creation, increased emphasis on video content, and more interactive content. These advancements could make blogs more personalized and immersive, enhancing user engagement.

This future is also increasingly mobile and voice-search oriented, pushing blogs to become more adaptable to how content is consumed. Whether it’s through smart speakers or smartphones, ensuring your blog is accessible and optimized for all formats is essential for meeting your audience where they are, in the way they prefer.

Long-term projections

Blogging isn’t going anywhere, but it will be getting a major upgrade. As we move further into the decade, the fundamentals of blogging will remain important (great content, strategic SEO, and genuine engagement), but the tools we use and the ways we engage with our audience will evolve.

The blogs that will thrive are those that can not only adapt to these changes but also anticipate them. Blogging in the future will be less about selling and more about connecting, less about keywords and more about conversations. 

Final thoughts: why blogging isn’t going anywhere

So, is blogging dead? Far from it. It’s just evolved. And for those who can keep up, tweak their tactics, take advantage of new technologies, and genuinely connect with their audience, blogging is not just alive; it’s thriving, and it can be a potent tool in your digital marketing strategy.

Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting out, the future is bright, so long as you’re willing to take control of the connection you have with your audience.

One great way to do this is to start creating your own learning products— such as courses, templates, and communities. By doing so, you'll offer immense value to your audience and open doors to deeper loyalty.

Start today with a free Teachable plan and transform your digital presence. Don’t just blog, lead.

Bethany Clark

Bethany Clark is an Atlanta-based content marketer and freelance photographer. When she's not running her blog,, she loves to bake, roller skate, and give her passport a workout every chance she gets.

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